Shay Peyote

Shay Peyote

Media - Other - Painting - Visual Arts - Animation


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   1626 Wellington pl, Ventura, CA

No matter what medium I’m working in, I feel that the purpose of art is to provide what life does not. So I create a kind of beauty not found in nature, and I replicate the kind of beauty that otherwise can only be created by the passage of time. Grunge is gorgeous! Used to be a time when artist’s materials were expensive and rare, only for the few. Now anybody with an Amazon account can have the best supplies available on a whim, so I expand upon the notion of what fine art is. I make no distinction between ‘low art’ and ‘fine art’ because really there is no difference so I can’t see it anyway. Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone, but we connect with each other through creativity.